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Top 11 Information Technology Trends of 2019

All modern technologies are developing side by side and unavoidably impact one another. For example, mobile internet depends on cloud computing and promotes IoT development. Hence, advancement in one space encourages evolutions in the other.

Below is a list of the top 11 Information Technology trends that will shape the digital world in the coming year.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an arena of software engineering, where, the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans takes place.

During the previous year, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have been the main attraction among developing technologies. AI tools enable us to analyze data and predict the future, providing several benefits. They have been addressed at all levels over industries, and you can barely find a business or an industry that would not benefit from the implementation of ML algorithms and AI-based tools. During the past few years, Artificial Intelligence has obtained strength in almost every industry. Agriculture, healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, logistics, retail, and more have started utilizing AI-based applications to improve productivity and performance.

Even so, not every company was prepared to move their practices from traditional ways of working to intelligent machines.

2019 will be the year that businesses dwell on getting datasets stable and guiding humans to work together with AI without giving it an excessive amount of power.

In 2019, there will be an intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning in business applications. As AI and learning technologies get to work together so as to achieve better results, AI will have increased authenticity at all levels.

Also, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning will be rooted in the business platform creating and enabling smart business operations. The question needed to ask is “How to Use Artificial Intelligence to Create a Successful Business?”

2. Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing, still a fledgling technology, is one of the most ravishing things researchers, businesses, and governments are working on in this century so far. The race towards establishing the first fully-operational, fully-working quantum computer (also called as supercomputer) is on.

You might be amazed, however, the functioning of traditional computers is quite slow. Information technology trends 2019 say that the upcoming age of computers will be quantum computers. They are vigorously developing now and are going to considerably overtake their ancestors.

Quantum computing is an absolutely better approach for transmission and processing of data based on the phenomena of quantum mechanics. Traditional computers utilize binary code (a bit) to manage information. The bit has basically two states, zero and one, and can only be in one of them. With respect to the quantum computer, it uses qubits that are based upon the principle of superposition. The qubit likewise has two basic states: zero and one. Despite that, because of superposition, it can combine values and be in all these states at the same time.

Furthermore, a quantum computing device doesn’t require huge computational capacity and a huge amount of RAM. Suppose, it needs only 100 qubits to calculate a system of 100 particles, while a binary system requires trillions of trillions of bits.

Quantum computers are an exponentially scalable and extremely parallel computing model. A way to know the difference between traditional and quantum computers is to imagine a giant library of books. While a classic computer would read every book in a library linearly, whereas a quantum computer would read all the books concurrently. Quantum computers can technically work on millions of computations at once. Quantum computing in the form of an economically available, affordable and reliable service would revolutionize some industries.

3. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Systems that blend real-time 3D vision, sound, sense of touch, location details and even other senses such as smell, enable people to involve themselves somewhere else, respond to what's around them and change their virtual habitat in real time.

Upgrades in Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Mixed Reality, which can all be outlined in R+, will keep on being the center of attention during 2019 with some magnificent new practical applications for enterprises. R+, which used to be only found in video gaming has been rapidly developing to become a useful tool in industries such as engineering design, manufacturing, healthcare, space exploration, and many more.

Businesses are progressively applying this technology over a wide range of human activity from art and entertainment to trade, training, and the military. It is being utilized to train doctors, nurses, teachers, and police officers, and will soon be available on your smart devices.

Augmented Reality (AR) has been emerging in Virtual Reality's shadow for the past year. But now, in 2019, AR is set to grow exponentially. Augmented reality has already reached the market and is available with mobile devices. As of the beginning, hitting mobile devices as games or fun activities, we will see consistent growth in 2019, bringing it down to practical everyday use.

4. Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of things is the system of interconnected physical devices, vehicles, and other items implanted with electronics, software, sensors, people or animals that are provided with unique identifiers and network connectivity which empower these items to gather and trade data without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. Internet of Things is penetrating the life of humans in every stage.

In any case, Hackers never rest. And everyone in the cybersecurity business understands that. As far as you connect something to the Internet, it instantly becomes susceptible.

Over the past few years, we have seen how hackers have revolved to insecure IoT devices to create an expansive botnet which then they might use to push enough traffic to bring down Dyn, the DNS provider. Despite that, numerous security breaks happened in 2018 should represent as a warning of what can happen at a global scale in 2019 if businesses don't take the significant precautions.

In 2019, it will be a major factor for IoT manufacturers and all of their supply chain to drastically improve the security in all the goods that come out to the market. It can be anything from a connected refrigerator, a robot, a drone, a vehicle, or a health tracker. Hence, there is a possibility that we are going to witness a global IoT security burst in 2019.

5. Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is one of the most promising technologies of the future which enables the transfer of data in its most distinct form. It renders enterprises a decentralized, secure, autonomous and, a beneficial system for storing and transferring data.

However, many people connect blockchain with cryptocurrencies only, but technology can be effectively integrated into many other non-crypto related fields. The year 2019 will be dedicated to the establishment of the industrial image of the blockchain and its partition from bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

This secure and reliable system for storing and validating transactions and recording trusted records has the ability to obstruct businesses of many kinds. Organizations are utilizing Blockchain Technology to modify tedious, centralized, less reliable and less secure systems.

In 2019, Blockchain will be available in numerous industries at the center of the business revolution. We will most likely witness blockchain intersection with other technologies such as IoT, and machine learning.

6. 5G Networks

Among the list of main IT trends of 2019, there is the long-looked-for launch of 5G. 5G network is the upcoming generation of mobile internet, providing higher speeds and increasingly trustworthy connections on smartphones and other devices in its history. The networks of the new generation have been already tested throughout the year 2018, and this year, the first 5G-ready smartphones will be launched.

The new model guarantees to bring broadband download speeds across mobile networks and to offer 10x faster internet services than 4G.

At the same time, the use of new generation network is a lot more extensive. Apart from only speed enhancements, 5G is expected to unlock a huge IoT ecosystem where networks can satisfy communication requirements of billions of connected devices, with the right exchanges between speed, latency, and cost.

7. Augmented Analytics

As the heart of any digital business, analytics is at a crucial turning point. Data complexity is increasingly growing and entrepreneurs across the businesses are drowning in data. They are facing difficulties to identify what is most important and what would be the best actions to take.

Augmented Analytics illustrates another pace for big data, by uniting it with artificial intelligence. Augmented analytics utilizes Machine Learning (ML) for automating data formation, insight discovery, data science, ML model development and insight sharing for a broad range of users. It utilizes AI and ML techniques, along with natural language processing, to provide analytics everywhere and for everyone in the company with less time, skill and interpretation tendency of current manual procedures. It portrays a third large wave for data and analytics competencies as data scientists use automated algorithms to explore more hypothesis.

Data science and Machine Learning platforms have changed how organizations induce analytics insight. Using Machine Learning will revolutionize the growth, sharing, and usage of the data analysis. It is predicted that the competencies of augmented analytics will soon be universally accepted not merely to work with data, but also to execute internal business applications related to HR, finance, sales, marketing, and client support – all with the goal to enhance decisions by using profound data analysis.

8. Digital Twins

Digital Twins are virtual replicas of physical devices that data scientists and IT professionals can use to run duplicates before actual devices are produced and deployed. The technology behind digital twins has extended to incorporate huge things, for example, buildings, factories, and even cities, and few have said that people and processes can also have digital twins, extending the idea few more steps further. The concept of a digital twin is nothing new. It goes back to computer-aided design (CAD) representations of things or online profiles of clients, however, today’s digital twins are unique in four different ways:

  • The strength of the models, with attention on how they assist certain business outcomes
  • The connection to the real world, possibly in real time, for monitoring and control
  • The implementation of advanced big data analytics and AI to drive new business opportunities
  • The ability to connect with them and evaluate “what if” scenarios

In the IoT, the focus is on digital twins today, which could enhance business decision-making process by providing information on maintenance and stability, glimpse into how a product could work more efficiently, information about new products and enhanced efficiency. Digital twins of companies are appearing to build models of the organizational process in order to enable real-time monitoring and drive enhanced process efficiencies.

Essentially, a digital twin is a computer program that collects real-world data about a physical object or system as inputs and as outputs, generates projections or replications of how that physical object or system will be influenced by those inputs.

9. Digital Ethics and Privacy

Digital ethics and privacy are areas that are acquiring increasingly more attention from both private people as well as companies and government organizations. No wonder, people are more and more worried about how their personal data is being utilized by public and private entities. Accordingly, we arrive at a conclusion that the winning organizations will be those that effectively address these concerns and are able to acquire their customers’ trust. Enterprises that don’t pay attention are at risk of consumer backlash.

Discussions with respect to privacy must be rooted in ethics and trust. The discussion should start with “Are we compliant?” and end with “Are we doing the right thing?” to deal with digital privacy and ethics. Companies need to be able to show to legislators and auditors, as well as customers and partners that the said data liability and transparency policies are continuously and automatically enforced and consistently validated.

Governments are planning or passing increasingly more regulations with which businesses must be compliant, and consumers are cautiously protecting or removing information about themselves. Businesses must earn and maintain trust with the customer to succeed, and they should likewise follow internal values to make sure customers view them as reliable.

10. Enhanced Edge Computing

Edge computing is a trend that more precisely relates to the Internet of Things (IoT). It comprises placing intermediary points between linked objects. Data can be processed at these intermediary points, therefore simplifying the tasks that can be carried out closer to where the data has been received, thus diminishing traffic and delay when responses are sent. With this technique, processing is held closer to the endpoint instead of having the data sent to a centralized server in the cloud. Yet, rather than making a completely new structure, edge computing and cloud computing will be established as complementary models with solutions in the cloud, controlled as a centralized service that works not merely on centralized servers but also on distributed servers and in the edge devices itself.

Supporting edge computing can be tricky for businesses because it comprises a lot of moving parts and transformation in thinking from the existing IT environment ruled by data centers and cloud-based services.

As of now, most of the focus of this technology is a consequence of the necessity for IoT systems to provide disconnected or distributed competencies into the embedded IoT world. It is no wonder, edge computing is turning into a vital member of IT strategy at an increasing number of businesses.

11. Smart Spaces

A Smart Space is a physical or digital habitat in which humans and technology-enabled systems collaborate in progressively open, connected, coordinated and intelligent ecosystems. As technology turns into a more integrated part of daily life, smart spaces will walk into a period of faster delivery. In addition, other trends such as AI-driven technology, blockchain, edge computing, and digital twins are moving toward this trend as individual solutions turn out to be smart spaces.

Smart Space has a unique design and execution viewpoints for traditional information systems. Smart space relies not only on ambient intelligence and context‐aware computing techniques but also on whole information structure. Accordingly, smart space transformation may have an extensive impact for academic and practice of library and information systems.

Chatbots incorporated into various chat and voice support platforms are transforming the way people interact with the digital world, just as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR). The blend of these technologies will drastically change our perspective of the world that embraces us by creating smart spaces where more compelling, interactive, and automated experiences can take place for a particular group of people or for determined industry cases.

To conclude, this year will make excellent development in technological innovations. We will see faster and more precise Machine Learning and AI applications and some new fascinating developments. The exponential advancement of technologies like the IoT, NLP, and self-teaching AI will transform every business industry and our everyday lives. However, this can cause a certain threat to data security; the new strategies and resources are continuously evolving. The changes will be simplified and the results will surely be amazing.

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